Scrum Iterations

Effortlessly manage your scrum iterations, and deliver better products quicker

Use this template

Our Scrum Iterations template helps to manage and streamline the Scrum iterations process. The template includes lists and tasks related to in-progress, in-review, and on-hold tasks. Additionally, it provides custom fields and tags to prioritize, categorize, and manage requests.

Benefits of the template


Streamlines the scrum iteration process, saving time and effort.


Provides a transparent and centralized platform for tracking scrum iterations.


Improves communication and collaboration among team members and stakeholders.


Helps to prioritize requests based on status and priority.


Helps to track progress and ensure timely completion of tasks.

Who is the template for

The Scrum Iterations template is for any team or department that regularly deals with scrum iterations, such as development, product management, or project management teams.

How to use the template


Customize the fields by adding each iteration's relevant project, status, and priority information.


Add items to the appropriate sections.


Use the custom fields to track the progress of each iteration, assign team members, and set deadlines.


Categorize each iteration by adding custom tags like Discover, Design, Develop, and Test.


Review and update the template regularly to stay on top of your scrum iterations and ensure you meet your project goals.


In progress: Use this list to track items currently in progress.

In review: Use this list to track items currently under consideration.

On hold: Use this list to track items currently on hold.

Custom Fields

Project: Use this field to categorize each iteration based on the relevant project.

Status: Use this field to track the progress of each iteration, such as upcoming, pending, overdue, not started, active, or canceled.

Priority: Use this field to prioritize each iteration based on its importance or urgency, such as low, medium, or high.

Estimation: Use this field to determine the relative effort of the product tasks tackled in the sprint.

Custom Tags

Discover: Use this tag to categorize items for discovering new features, requirements, or insights.

Design: Use this tag to categorize items related to designing new features, user interfaces, or workflows.

Develop: Use this tag to categorize items related to developing and implementing new features, code, or functionality.

Test: Use this tag to categorize items related to testing, debugging, and ensuring product quality.

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