Using the Zapier Integration
Connect to over 1000+ apps with our Zapier Integration.
You will need a current Zapier account to connect Workast with Zapier. Our Zapier integration allows you to create a new task in Workast, customized to 1000+ trigger apps. Login to Zapier to see what apps connect with Workast.
The functions you do with Workast are:
Create a task
Create a Space
This means that the app that you connect with us, can do those above actions.
How to create your first Zap (Example with Google Sheets)
Click here to get started.
Login with your Zapier or account or create a new account.
Choose which application to connect with Workast.

Choose a trigger app (of your choice). In this example, we are setting up the zap with Google Sheets.
Connect your Zapier account with your Google account to access Sheets.
Follow the prompts to set up your trigger.
Choose an "Action app": In this case, select Workast.
Follow the prompts to set up the action. Note: This action can create a new task.
Connect your Workast account with Zapier.

Follow the steps to connect Google Sheets with Workast.
Turn the Zap ON.