The Workast icon is a critical part of our brand identity and should always be used as provided, without any modifications to its color, size, or proportions.
The icon should always be displayed in its original color, #DD4B4B.
The icon should be used to maintain its clear visibility and legibility without any distortion or alteration of its proportions.
The icon should always be surrounded by sufficient clear space to ensure its visual impact and prevent crowding or overlapping with other elements.
The icon should not be combined with other graphics or elements and should always be used as a standalone element.
The icon should not be rotated or mirrored and should always be displayed upright, facing the correct direction.
Any icon usage that deviates from these guidelines is strictly prohibited without prior written approval from Workast.
The Workast color palette consists of several primary and secondary colors used consistently across all communication channels.
The primary colors include:
#D62929 (red)
#F6E4AB (light yellow)
#F4A042 (orange)
While the secondary colors include:
#2BCA86 (green)
#5986FF (bright blue)
#AD795B (brown)
#435585 (dark purple)
#2C3346 (dark blue)
#4D74DC (light blue)
These colors should be used consistently across all Workast promotional materials to maintain consistency in branding.
The Lato font is the approved typeface for all Workast promotional materials and should be used consistently across all communication channels. The following font sizes and styles should be used for headings and paragraphs:
H1: Lato, 54px, Bold
H2: Lato, 44px, Bold
H3: Lato, 36px, Bold
Paragraph: Lato, 16px, Regular
It's essential to use the exact font sizes and styles specified to maintain consistency in the visual hierarchy and tone of the brand messaging.
When using typography on digital platforms, such as websites or social media, it's essential to use web-safe fonts or provide downloadable font files to ensure consistent display across different devices and browsers.
Avoid using other fonts or modifying the font sizes and styles without prior approval from Workast's marketing team, as it may result in inconsistent branding.
Always ensure the typography is legible and easily read, even in smaller sizes or different backgrounds.
Workast's app screenshots include a hero image, board view, list view, calendar view, and timeline view. These screenshots showcase the various features and functionalities of the Workast platform and should be used consistently across all promotional materials.