Recommended Reading: Top Business Books that Impact Change
Sara Davis
Sara Davis is the Head of Growth at Workast.

Sara Davis is the Head of Growth at Workast.
In previous articles, we interviewed business owners to find their favorite Slack apps, their remote work tips, and much more! This time, we wanted to hear from real entrepreneurs about the business book that most impacted them the most. Whether you're looking for leadership development, strategy, or emotional intelligence. This list has everything you need to help you take the next step in your career progression.
By far, the most mentioned book on the list started with Blue Ocean Strategy. There were a few books mentioned often, but this one came in the most often. Here's a few reasons why it's worth a read:
"My favorite business book is "Blue Ocean Strategy" by W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne. It is personally meaningful to me because it was given to me by a partner who had a vision of expanding our partnership and understanding a Blue Ocean Strategy. It is also a valuable resource in how to think bigger and think differently in business. It's not about comparing yourself to the competition. Rather, it's about creating and thinking differently in a manner that creates new, open space that did not previously exist. The book presents the notion of thinking broader and differentiating and to me, this is extremely valuable."
Deborah Sweeney, CEO -
“Attempting to outperform rivals is not a good idea. Instead, concentrate on rendering them obsolete by producing a substantial improvement in demand for both customers and the business.The majority of markets are red oceans. Since all the sharks feed from the same tiny body of food, they're coated in blood. Submarkets emerged as a response to the red markets over time. To set yourself apart from the rest, you must build a blue ocean for yourself, one that people can't wait to plunge into."
Desktop Technical Support Specialist, FixThePhoto
"Attempting to outperform rivals is not a good idea. Instead, concentrate on rendering them obsolete by producing a substantial improvement in demand for both customers and the business. If you need any more information, I’m happy to reply as soon as possible. If you decide to use this — let me know and I’ll promote the article via my channels."
Tammi Avallone, Managing Editor, FiveBarks
“My number one business book that was my favorite was "Built to Sell" this book was easy to understand and read as it had a real-world example of creating a business that can run itself as an asset. The real-life examples of a man owning a marketing firm and creating processes and systems for each level of his business were very in-depth but also very understandable. The book mostly helped and would be great for beginning entrepreneurs to understand how to structure the internal workings of a business to maximize its profit as well as create a business that can be sold to any buyer.”
Alex - ProTek Property Solutions
The second most mentioned book was Stephe Covey's "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People." This one is a classic, and here's what a few of our entrepreneurs had to say about it.
“My favourite business book is "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen R Covey. The book contains timeless wisdom and a principle-centred approach that can be applied to any professional setting. Covey proposes a framework that can be used to adapt to change, underpinned by the encouraging tone that the reader should take advantage of opportunities that those changes create by adopting a proactive and flexible mindset in daily life.”
John Kinloch Anderson, CEO - Kinlochanderson
"The best book that I know which is effective for individuals related to business is Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. This book teaches principles that can be applied in both the aspect of business and in a person’s life, in general. Ranging from being proactive, changing your mindset, putting things first, and other important topics. These things are important in businesses, for them to thrive and be effective in the market, moreover, it educates people on the proper mindset to have in handling businesses."
Marques Thomas, Retail & Marketing Advisor, Owner Of
Another popular mention, the E-Myth Revisited. If you haven't read this one yet, check out a few of the reasons why it's worth adding to your list.
"Many people want to be their own boss and in control of their own work and schedule. This myth is exposed in a way that demonstrates how, more than often, a business owner has really not only bought themselves a job but a job with higher stakes and longer hours. "The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It" by Michael E Gerber is a fantastic look into small businesses and reveals some of the myths out there about owning your own business. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to start their own business"
Seth Rouch Owner of SethBuysHouses
“The E-Myth,” by Michael GerberWork on your business rather than in your business. “Because I recognize a company's technological function, I understand a business that does that work.” This is a costly mistake made by new business owners. Understand that anyone who enters the corporate world has three identities: entrepreneur, manager, and technician. To create a business that will prosper without you, you'll need all three."
Mike Chappell, Founder of Formspal
Atomic habits was another popular book recommended by our entrepreneurs. Take a look at some of the reasons why below:
"While certainly falling into the self-help category, I don't think there is a more integral book to understand the foundations of good business productivity than "Atomic Habits".
The usual focus in the world of corporate literature is on "hard work" or "hustling" above all else, often promoted through overachieving memoirs and books that reek of survivorship bias.
"Atomic Habits" goes against the grain, by recognizing that humans are intrinsically emotional beings with a deep-rooted need to conserve energy. It builds this foundation through well-researched psychology literature and beautifully reasons why achieving goals with brute force (be it business, weight loss, or anything else) is not remotely sustainable.
Instead, the book teaches you to align your productivity with your human capacity; giving you the psychological fortitude to build and focus on positive systems instead of basing your life on simplistic goals and wasteful habits.
The book has been truly life-changing for me across the board, but nowhere more so than in business, especially as a leader. Its practical tools have helped me (and a majority of my team) reach a place where we are not forcing ourselves to do as much as possible all day, but instead recognizing our limits and achieving a sustainable balance.
The irony is that focussing on finite, small systems and not simply pushing ourselves as "hard" as possible to achieve larger goals has only increased productivity (on top of the immense psychological benefits). I truly can't recommend it highly enough for everyone serious about changing their approach to business."
Kaelum Ross, I'm the founder of What in Tech and a Senior IT Project Manager at Fujitsu
"This book made me take a different approach not only to day-to-day life but also to how I work. The main premise is the fact that little improvements over short periods of time stack up exponentially, compounding into tremendous benefits. For example, if our link building efforts get 5% more effective each month, then after a year, our effectiveness will be at almost 180%! For this reason, I've employed a growth and development strategy within our marketing department — our main goal is the improvement of our processes. Instead of sticking to well-established, though perhaps less effective and easier workflows, we strive to make the most of our activities by looking into tougher, unconventional albeit more efficient methods."
Jack Zmudzinski, senior associate, Future Processing
"The best inspirational business book I have read is "Good to Great" by Jim Collins. The author notes that some companies make it into great organizations while others don't; he then goes about explaining how those who are successful follow a certain set of rules that help them get there. Because it chronicles the stories and careers of several companies that were able to take themselves from good to great. It's an eye-opening book that made me realize how much hard work goes into becoming successful in life or business; you have to do your best every day not just some days! A quote from Jim Collins is, "It's not just a question of what you don't know. It may also be that there are things we do know but have forgotten (because they were never really deeply understood in the first place)."
Altay Gursel, Cofounder & Editor -
"This one, especially during these turbulent times, applies very much in today's reality. It touches upon the subject of growth, development, and even thriving of companies during uncertainty-filled existence. The book illustrates the stories of 11 companies that managed to overcome the challenges of the present day against all odds. By employing the 10X approach (setting goals that aim at 10 times the growth), they were able to scaly up incredibly well. The main premise of the book is the approach to uncontrollable events. Instead of worrying about turmoil all around us, take the advantage of it and adapt. Delivering constant progress is what made these companies succeed."
Andrew Martins, senior associate at LVBet
“Extreme Revenue Growth" is a business book that can help align everyone on your team around a growth mindset. I’ve found one of the challenges with team building and alignment is that people have different ideas about goals, priorities, and even how to define things like revenue or profit. Extreme Revenue Growth will help you get crystal clear on all of the above, and give your team a great chance at succeeding together.. That success is a terrific foundation for inspiration and motivation. The book is also relatively short, so is an easy commitment for a book club or other internal effort.”
Michael Alexis, CEO of TeamBuilding
“Thinking Fast and Slow" was an absolute pleasure to read, and really opened my eyes to a perspective in business I had never really thought about before. We are all good at making bad decisions, and we sometimes allow our emotions to get the better of it. It can be a tough read with a lot of questions, but those are the best kinds of books, as you leave with more questions than you began, triggering something in your mind to think about your own situation in a new way. I would recommend this book to anyone looking to really dig deep into how we as people make decisions, and what we can do to make better ones.”
Thomas Fultz. CEO and Founder - Coffeeble
"Negotiation is an underappreciated but highly rewarding skill in business. "Never Split the Difference" is the bible for those looking to improve the negotiating chops. Voss not only teaches readers how to negotiate like a pro but illustrates each principle with real-life stories from his days as an FBI hostage negotiator, through applications to business and even everyday situations like getting a seat on a sold-out flight. Techniques such as mirroring, saying no, and others will pay dividends to anyone who practices and applies them. Every business professional should read this book multiple times to strengthen their negotiation and communication skills. Heck, every person should read this book to make themselves a more effective human being!"
Ryne Lambert, Problem Solver and Co-Founder - Sell My House In Wisconsin
"The essence of this book is to not wait until perfection is accomplished to do what you need to (launch a product, business, or anything really). If Microsoft or Apple would've waited until they finished the perfect computer, we still wouldn't have one today. In most cases, the progression is to be Ready, Aim, and then Fire, but what Masterson is proposing in this book is to just do it (like Nike Says). Otherwise, you'll be trapped in the cycle of perfection that never ends and never accomplishes anything."
Sam, Founder & CEO of Sprague Media
"If I could only pick one book in business, it would be "How To Get Rich" by Felix Dennis. It's a fascinating book that contains actionable business advice within a revealing and insightful biography about how he made over $100MM before his passing. You get advice covering the entire spectrum from how to deal with NDAs to how he would think about money if he had to start all over again. There's really no other book like it."
Danavir Sarria, Ecommerce Growth Strategist -
"Are you an upholder, obliger, questioner or rebel? In "The Four Tendencies", Gretchen Rubin breaks down this fundamental of temperament, helps the reader determine their own tendency and that of those around them, and contains separate chapters on how best to work with people with different tendencies. I quickly isolated that I’m an obliger, which I now know has driven my actions throughout my adult life. This was the most illuminating business book I ever read and I recommend it to anyone who works with people, which is pretty much all of us."
Laura Winston, Intellectual Property Attorney and Principal in Offit Kurman - Attorneys At Law
"My favorite business book has to be by the ex-CEO of Intel, Andrew Grove titled "High Output Management". Even though it was first published in 1983, the depth of Andrew's experience shines through and makes it very clear that running a business and managing people does not change much over time. Creating and continuously optimizing processes, motivating your employees, and constantly measuring your output is how you won in the 80s and it's still how you win today and is the reason why this book will be with me for decades to come."
Ben Heinkel - Co-founder - Ethical Clothing
"My favorite book this year is titled "Growth Engines" by Sean Ellis & Morgan Brown. I really enjoyed this book because it provides a ton of actionable tips and advice on growth marketing. The book features a bunch of amazing case studies from top-tier companies like Uber, LinkedIn, Snapchat, and many more. If you want to see specific strategies that these companies used to grow their business, then this book is for you. It offers strategies for both early stages and later in development."
Kevin Miller, Co-Founder and CEO of GR0
"My favorite book is called "Shortcut Your Startup: Speed Up Success with Unconventional Advice from the Trenches", by Carter Milliken Reum and Courtney Reum. This book provided a tremendous amount of insight into entrepreneurship that helped me give my business a competitive edge. The unconventional nature of the advice given by these well-seasoned vets helped me understand the major keys needed for scaling my business upwards and fairly quickly."
Gerald Lombardo, Co-Founder of The Word Counter
"I'll be honest, this is one of those books that I wasn't so sure about when I picked it up. Then I couldn't put it down. As a business owner, I related to so many of the stories in this book. Not only that, reading the stories of successful women entrepreneurs gave me a refreshed confidence, motivation and attitude. This book is littered with helpful tips, coping skills and more. Check it out!"
Andrea Ahern, VP and co-owner of Mid Florida Material Handling
"My learnings from "Getting Things Done" were a revelation. It taught me how to compartmentalize and prioritize my daily tasks and break them up into digestible chunks. Once I began practicing the methodologies outlined in this book, I felt a sense of control over my workday, made fewer mistakes, became a more effective manager, and learned the art of working smarter, not harder."
Allen Greer, Fuze
"The book talks about validating your business's viability and customers' needs on a small scale first and using customer feedback to gradually improve your processes before expanding and occurring any big expenses.
"All innovation begins with a vision. It's what happens next that is critical."
"We must learn what customers really want, not what they say they want or what we think they should want."
What I like most about this book is that it is straightforward, realistic, and easy to follow."
Jeanine Duval co-founder at Edelwyn
My favorite book is "Profit First" by Mike Michalowicz. It provides a system for business owners to manage their cash flow and grow a business sustainably, which can be applied to both small businesses and business units within large corporations. It challenges us to be highly efficient with how we use our capital to generate the same results."
Cecilia Hunt,
"As a content marketer for a B2B eCommerce business that does payment processing, I’m always trying to learn more about content marketing so that I can craft better content. In my research on the subject of content marketing, one of the best books that I’ve found is "Content Rules", by Ann Handley and C.C. Chapman. The book covers everything from blogging and podcasting to videos, ebooks, and webinars. If you’re looking to up your content marketing game, "Content Rules" is a great place to start."
Francesca Nicasio, Content Marketer at Payment Depot
Measure what Matters
"Even when your team has its workflow and managing process, and it is efficient, I highly recommend "Measure What Matters: OKRs: The Simple Idea that Drives 10x Growth" by John E. Doerr. You don't need to change your whole management system right away after reading this book, but implementing small solutions to your personal workflow may show you how beneficial it can be."
Milosz Krasinski, MD at Chilli Fruit Web Consulting
"One of the most helpful reminders, and one of the keys to my personal business success, is ‘the hamster wheel’ analogy in Theo Paphitis’s book, "Enter the Dragon". In his book, Theo explains how you can get sucked into your business and lose sight of your goals with all the madness going on. Sometimes, you just have to get off the wheel, realign your goals and make sure you’re still going in the right direction; it’s easy to lose sight of it all when you’re stuck in a loop. I read this inspirational book back in 2008 and it’s still something I keep in my mind every day. It’s very real, very helpful, and ‘getting off the wheel’ is something I like to remind my team of when they seem a little overwhelmed."
Cas Paton, Founder and CEO of
"Simon Sinek’s "Start with Why." The book was my inspiration when I started to run a company as it taught me how to motivate my team through inspiration. It also taught me to trust and empathize with my teammates and build a workplace where they feel safe for them to work in their natural best."
Patrick Garde, ExaWeb Corporation
"The book does a great job of looking at what’s viewed as common knowledge for succeeding in business and then explaining why it doesn’t apply anymore and what actually works in the world of modern business and technology. By the time you get done reading this book, you’ll feel inspired and confident that there’s nothing that can stop you from succeeding in business."
Todd Ramlin Manager of Cable Compare
"One of my favorite business books is "Agile Project Management with Kanban" by Eric Brechner. Reading this book proved to be revolutionary for the way I ran my business. When we first started out, we were using a Scrumsystem which clearly wasn’t meeting our needs. Adopting Kanban completely changed how we structured our departments and managed projects and taught us how to work as a cohesive unit. I recommend it for anyone struggling with a growing business or even someone who’s looking to get more organized with tracking their tasks and projects."
Monica Eaton-Cardone is the Co-Founder and COO of Chargebacks911
"This book talks about the innate laws of marketing, the psychology behind marketing, what makes consumers do what they do, and much more. I love this since these laws are truly timeless. They open your eyes to the world of marketing like never before. Certain topics that hit the home run for me were
The Law of Perception (How consumers perceive your brand. Spoiler alert: There is a product ladder in the minds of consumers that they use to make purchase decisions !)
The Law of Line Extension (You would think diversifying into many product extensions would be a good thing in the short term, but it affects your business in the long term. Harley Davidson's perfume was one example that comes to mind)
The Law of The Mind (Instead of focusing on becoming the first to the market, become first to the mind instead. Consumers are not interested in new products. They are interested in new categories. Think about that )
When we create marketing strategies for our clients, the concepts we have learned from the book always comes to mind."
Ali - Poixel
"In "168 Hours", she dives deep into the numbers to prove that your dream life is completely possible. But it doesn’t just happen. You have to use your time wisely.
By looking at your week in hour-long chunks, Vanderkam will convince you to take a hard look at how you spend your time. Better yet, she’ll help you shift things around to ensure that you live your best life.
This book helped me prioritize and manage my time more effectively and efficiently for better results and success in both business and family life."
Lily Ugbaja, Founder,
"While it may sound like it is a cliche answer to this question, there are millions of good reasons for why I chose this book. Namely, the millions of people’s businesses and lives have been greatly enhanced by the lessons taught in this book. It is aging, but also timeless. If you just practice two things from its pages, make it active listening and how to learn from mistakes. These two methods transform a person’s business and clear an easier path for success."
Charles Leduc Website - Chief Operations Officer at Mold Busters
"My favorite business book is "Zero to One" by Peter Thiel. This book is a must-read for any entrepreneur who has a forward-thinking vision that is bigger than himself or herself."
David Jiang, Founder and CEO of Reason to Smile
"The one book I would pick is "Relentless" by Tim S. Grover. It's the book of choice as Tim Grover is the man behind greats such as Michael Jordan & Kobe Bryant. He provides insights into what it takes to be the best at what you do, as we all have the potential to be great. The greatest lesson of the book is be the best at what you do for the people you serve. While the general public might not know who he is, the people that he is the best at helping which are professional athletes have him on speed dial. That is the type of focus every business owner needs when it comes to serving their audience, be the only choice for the problems they have.
My favorite quote from the book is:
- Decide. Commit. Act. Succeed. Repeat."
Byron Ingraham, Azure Media
"My favorite inspirational business book I've read is "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu. I’ve found it to be very helpful as a lawyer, business owner, and as an entrepreneur. It aids in digesting information and also helps when it comes to being able to quickly adjust to different situations."
Ben Cook, Vice President and General Counsel of Cook Capital Group
"I listen to the audiobook multiple times a year. Without fail, that book brings me out of my rut, lights a fire under my ass, and makes me work towards fulfilling my potential. I was able to have my own business by 22 years old and a mortgage by 23 because of her."
Karina Durand, Director and Co-Owner - Andes Academy
"Innovation and Its Enemies: Why People Resist New Technologies" by Calestous Juma is one of the best inspirational business books I've ever read. The author provides a detailed 600-page historical analysis of how valuable innovation in technology and business has been to our society since the beginning of our existence. Juma dives in deep to explore how technological advancements are born and their impact in the long term while simultaneously describing the notion of controversy and pushback each innovation brings with its inception. The myriad of innovation examples alongside in-depth analysis of resistance management when disrupting an industry or market is a unique and excellent read when searching for inspiration in business."
Kelli Lane, Chief Marketing Officer - Genexa
"While principally a self-help book I have found that it has application for business leaders. It has a treasure trove of ideas, principles, and practices that are jammed into the book. I read it nearly 15 years ago and I still recommend it for those looking for a solid personal development book."
David Harry Spark, Founder - We Build Leaders
"A must-read for people who want to start their own business. This book is refreshing as the concepts and terms are not dumbed down and rely on background in tech and finance. There are many thoughtful ideas for new business owners on how best to navigate hiring, angry shareholders, internal conflicts, difficult clients, etc. Ben shares advice based on extensive experience. This is a true guidebook for entrepreneurs running growing businesses or even for actual CEOs of large companies."
Darren Dean, Founder @ WipeLock
"Its core principles are timeless and pure gold. Don't get side tracked by the 50% of outdated and irrelevant content. Focus on the parts that will change your life"
Cody Cromwell, Business Builder Mag x
"You can do whatever you put your mind to if you believe in yourself. Thoughts are things, and they have a lot of power. Concentrate on your goals and reinforce your determination with what Hill refers to as "definiteness of purpose." It's also important that you persevere in the face of setbacks that would inevitably obstruct your progress."
Lisa Lacey, CEO of Lisa Buys Austin Houses
"My favorite business book I have read is called "Get Rich, Lucky Bitch!: Release Your Money Blocks and Live a First Class Life" by Denise Duffield-Thomas. What is particularly great about this book is that it helps guide the reader to getting into the mindset of being wealthy and being comfortable with money, which is something that a lot of business books gloss over.
She starts her book off by discussing how many once-rich celebrities end up going bankrupt because they do not know how to handle being wealthy. She then discusses the mindset reasons that the reader may be holding themselves back from making more money - like believing that rich people are evil, that they cannot be both a good mom and a good businesswoman, they are not smart enough to make money, etc. This book is particularly enjoyable as a woman business-owner because she addresses money mindset issues from the female perspective."
Zoe Alexander Founder of Simply Lovely Energy
"This book is a goldmine of information to find success in business. This helps to understand how essential massive action is to reach your goals. Cardone also explains how to define goals that are consistent and how to anchor those in your mind. Whenever I lose motivation, I have some lines of this book resonating in my head. It’s a must-read if you want to hustle and never freaking stop.
Here’s a quote from the book:
“The first response to managers to non target attainment is to reduce the target rather than increase the activity [...] Reducing targets sends the wrong message to the organization: the targets are unimportant. The target is never the problem, any target attacked with the right amount of actions with persistence is attainable.”
Ludovic Chung-Sao, Founder of Zen-Up Your Home
"The book described the principles of the process of making innovation profitable. Some of my favorite points made by the authors include:
Talk about willingness to pay for your product. Instead of going in blind into the market, ask your future or present customers for information.
Go for a tailored product that fits all types of your customers.
Spend a lot of time analyzing different pricing models.
Be clear on the value you can provide and link it with the price appropriately.
Remember the fact that your customers are people and they have an emotional side about them.
All in all, the book provides an outline of a strategy that any innovative business can employ successfully. All of your decisions need to be data-driven and based on what your customers have to say — after all, they're your bread and butter."
Neal Taparia, Co-Founder - Solitaired
"This book completely changed the way our business approaches customer service. Since implementing some of the tactics mentioned in the book, we've taken our customer support efforts from "basic business necessity" to genuine profit driver and unique selling point.
If your business requires customer support in any way, this book covers so many important points. From a business standpoint, it covers how to make support profitable. From a customer support standpoint it'll make you rethink what "good" service is, and in all likelihood probably put your current efforts to shame.
No other back has had such a direct impact on my business like this one - not only in concepts but also in actual results! We've saved a huge sum of money through customer retention and reduced refund rates as a result!"
Mark Webster is Co-founder of Authority Hacker
"The reason I loved it is that while it’s a narrative about the founding and forming of Netflix as we know it, it teaches many lessons about building a team, surviving tough environments, raising money, and changing to adapt to scale. It is an inspiring story with many excellent tips and lessons. This is also the book that I read while I had recovered from it. It was a great pleasure just walking over to the nearest Square park (after I recovered) after work to do a bit of reading and get some fresh air."
Kerry Lopez, Incrementors
"The profit potential of a business starts in the early stages of its life. Whether you are an entrepreneur, a manager, or a financial advisor, "Simple Numbers Straight Talk Big Profits" is for you—anyone looking to answer the financial questions that determine the success or failure of a business.
There are many books about creating, building, and managing a profitable company, but very few that help with the financial planning essential to early success. Simple Numbers Straight Talk Big Profits! is just such a book.
The book is a great source of inspiration to be the best you can be. Financial wisdom from someone who's been there, done it, and got the t-shirt. Greg Crabtree has a common-sense approach to business and entrepreneurship that I really appreciate, his no-nonsense advice seems more valuable now than when I first read this over three years ago.
I have used many of the concepts he shares in my own business and recommends this business book to anyone starting or looking for an inspirational business read!"
Ann, Co-Founder & CEO - Fix the Photo
"So far into my career, this book has un-ironically been one the most significant investments I have made so far. This is an amazing book for anyone interested in introducing themselves into the world of investing or who wants to hone their skills and better them. It is not a book that promises How to become rich or any shortcut to a quick buck. The book teaches three powerful lessons of how one can:
- minimize the odds of suffering irreversible losses
- maximize the chance of achieving sustainable gains
- practice emotional control and behavior to help the investor achieve full potential.
If you want to start investing seriously and want to begin practicing the discipline of self-education, this is the book for you."
Elizabeth Hicks, Co-Founder of Parenting Nerd
"Understand the distinction between a risk and an advantage. The rich get wealthier for a reason: they recognize the important yet sometimes overlooked distinction between assets and liabilities. An asset is a financial asset that brings money into your wallet. A liability depletes your bank account. To become wealthy, you must acquire properties and use the money earned to purchase luxuries and support your lifestyle."
Dylan Porter, Marketing Director, Gremlin Works
"If you want to become financially literate while not getting bored or stuffed with technical jargon, then Tina Hay's book is a must-read for everyone. It comes with visually appealing illustrations that are highly educational at the same time. After all, it wouldn't be called "a visual guide for money" for nothing.
Hay's approach to financial literacy takes a jab at the usual boring personal finance publications marketed in the industry today. I've never read anything less intimidating yet very informative when it comes to managing my money."
Michael Hammelburger, CEO @ The Bottom Line Group
"One of the most common problems in the business world is overthinking. We tend to hide it, but we drown in the sea of thoughts in our own offices. That is why I recommend the book "I think too much: How to channel intrusive thoughts" by Christel Petitcollin. Thanks to this book, you can get rid of unwanted thoughts or make them your weapon."
Dima Suponau, Co-founder -
Did your favorite book make the list? If not, send us a line or hit us up on social media to get your favorite book added to the list. Here's to career progression, growth, leadership, and productivity!