How to Solve the Underperformance of Remote Employees
ByEmily Henry
Emily Henry writes for OX Essays. Emily loves to write about leadership.

Emily Henry writes for OX Essays. Emily loves to write about leadership.
There has been an influx of remote employee positions in recent years. There are many disadvantages that come along with remote work. Remote work increases the chance for employees to become distracted. This is one of the main reasons as to why thousands of remote workers are likely to underperform.
Whether it’s an individual's first remote job, or they are adjusting to new protocols in their position, virtual work is complex.
Luckily, there are strategies that you as an employer/manager can utilize in order to help employees perform at an adequate level. Here are ways you can combat the underperformance of your employees.
One reason as to why an employee may be struggling is due to lack of connection. Building a strong bond between yourself and your employees is critical in order for the success of the workplace.
You need to remember that everyone involved at the company is a crucial part of how it functions. Each employee is needed and part of a team that you run. When employees are closer with management and their fellow workers, the overall connection is often stronger.
Now, you are probably wondering how exactly you can build a strong connection with everyone at your workplace; because of the positions being remote, it is harder to become close to employees.
There are some simple ways you can create opportunities for connection on a weekly basis. These ways include: regular zoom meetings, accessible sources of communication such as email or text, events, and online parties. Any way you can gather your remote employees together on a call or with yourself individually, is a great opportunity to make lasting bonds. You can also implement some employee appreciation tactics.
If your company is neglecting the importance of genuine and quality contact with fellow workers, then this may be the cause of employee underperformance. By having a strong connection with each and everyone of your employees, they will work better alongside you and the company.
Connections provide trust, healthy communication, and dedication. “All of these benefits contribute to the high performance of employees. Experience matters because it can elevate the level your career can reach,” says Mike Shaw, career blogger at UKWritings and Academized.
If an employee isn’t performing at the expected level, it’s time to be honest with them. Nobody can fix a mistake or issue if they don’t notice what’s wrong. This is why honest feedback is desired by most employees in our modern day. Remote work also causes a higher demand for feedback as well due to less interaction with employers than usual. In order to be honest with an employee about their work ethic and abilities, you have to be respectful.
The feedback you provide employees should consist of constructive criticism: feedback that is honest about what mistakes are being made, and how they can be fixed. Being demanding, using a harsh tone, or putting too much pressure on an employee to improve is a terrible decision. Employees deserve feedback so they can try their best to perform in their position. Incorporating honestly into your management practices will help employees overcome their previous mistakes.
Remote work isn’t the same as a similar position in an office would be like. Therefore, training for remote jobs must be adapted for these types of positions. Your underperforming employees may not be trained for all aspects of their job. Possibly, they are now working online because the company decided to move all of their employees to in-home positions. This transition changes the way employees are expected to work, putting additional stress.
As an employer or manager, maybe you didn't realize that this swap creates hurdles for employees. For example, maybe some of your employees don’t have access or knowledge of a newly introduced computer program. Another employee may struggle to take in information from an online meeting. In reality, each employee will react even slightly differently to remote work, whether it’s a new job or not.
Training is necessary in all jobs. Yes, remote employee training is a huge commitment. Members who manage a company also have to deal with a nuanced style of job training. Without proper training, employees are destined to fail to successfully do their job. If you think your employees are lacking skills for their positions, or could use further education, it’s time to invest in some extra training.
Being as clear as possible is important when managing remote workers. It’s already a struggle to give directions to employees who work from their homes. Managing your employees will be less stressful if you can master providing clear instruction to them. If you only hold quick, fast past meetings, try switching your approach. When instructions are only briefly covered, as humans, we tend to forget most of that information.
It’s also important to avoid hosting meetings that last too long. Find a time for meetings to last that is balanced. This will allow employees to have lots of time to work, and hopefully comprehend the tasks they must complete that day or week.
After meetings, check in with employees to see if they have any questions or concerns. By reaching out to employees, it will make it easier for them to access help if they need it. “If your employees are confused about what's expected of them, their work performance will reflect their minimum understanding. Those who despise writing have yet to find true inspiration for what they should write about,” shares Laura Crowley, writer at Boomessays and State Of Writing.
Remote work is assumed to be effortless. As a result, a huge portion of remote workers have little to no people to relate to. Your remote employees may not be receiving the support they need for their remote position. Outsiders believe remote workers have it easy, but you know this isn’t true. You are potentially one of the only people that can support your remote workers regarding their work. In our society, those who have certain jobs are respected more than others.
Doctors, teachers, farmers, and major business workers often receive far more credit than those who have different jobs. If there is an employee at your company that is unconfident about their position, you should support them so they will grow to understand that what they do holds immense significance. When you support your remote employees, they will be satisfied and proud of their work, which will entice them to become more successful.
All of your employees matter. There is a huge chance that the actions you take in managing your employees could impact their lack of performance. By prioritizing having your best interest in supporting your employees along the way, you will see that they are able to improve.
This article is a guest blog written by Emily Henry. To contribute a guest post to, please complete the expression of interest form here.