How To Integrate ChatGPT Into Your Digital Marketing

Byon March 31#business-tips
How To Integrate ChatGPT Into Your Digital Marketing

ChatGPT has taken artificial intelligence very much into the mainstream in recent months. While it has been suggested for a number of years that one day soon, artificial intelligence might be able to mimic human writing and even give the impression of human thought, it perhaps was not expected to arrive on the scene as soon as it did.

Indeed, the rate of progress for the software has been astounding. It was the fastest app to reach 100 million users - achieving the feat in under two months. And alongside the general awe at the chatbot’s ability to simulate language - many have been interested in how ChatGPT might be able to provide assistance in the workplace.

One of the key places that ChatGPT appears to have the potential to revolutionise work is in the field of digital marketing. So much of digital marketing revolves around content creation - and given that ChatGPT can achieve human-style content creation at a much faster pace than ever before, it is unsurprising that many have looked for this connection. You can create stories with AI that sound so realistic that the readers won't understand that it is written by an AI tool. 

But integrating ChatGPT into your digital marketing is not something that you can simply plug in and go. You need to first understand what the chatbot is and is not good at. From there, it is possible to find ways to use the software to improve your digital marketing work. 

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT describes itself as an ‘artificial intelligence language model’, it has also been similarly described as a ‘natural language processing tool’, a ‘transformer-based neural network,’ and a ‘next generation chatbot.’ That’s a lot of jargon. Ultimately, it is a computer program that has been fed a huge amount of data, and it is capable of creating human-style language, as well as ‘original’ content based on requests. 

While there are many other AI writing tools and chatbots, ChatGPT captured the imagination of the public when it was released as a ‘research preview tool’ in November 2022; most likely because it is (currently) free to use. 

The tool is very powerful and has the potential to be used across multiple forms of digital marketing. It can generate ideas, carry out research, and even write whole pieces of content in a fraction of the time that it would take a human. But we do have to be careful when we look at integrating it into digital marketing efforts. 

Where are its limitations?

While ChatGPT offers a range of benefits for digital marketing, it’s important to recognise that it does have some significant limitations as well. One of the main limitations of ChatGPT is that it may generate content that lacks a human touch. As an AI-powered tool, it’s not always going to grasp the nuances of language and tone. Often in text generated by ChatGPT, you get the sense of reading something extremely robotic and impersonal. And ‘robotic and impersonal’ is no company’s tone of voice.

It is also true that the software can get things quite badly wrong. Steve Wozniak has been a major critic of ChatGPT because he believes that the software can easily be corrupted by misinformation. As such, it’s important to have a team of human editors and writers to review the content generated by ChatGPT to ensure accuracy, relevance, and consistency.

Finally, it’s worth noting that ChatGPT may not be suitable for all types of content. While it excels at generating short-form content, it just isn’t as effective at creating long-form content. In these cases, a more human-driven approach to content creation may be more appropriate.

Should you use ChatGPT for all your content needs?

ChatGPT is extremely powerful - but that doesn’t mean it is the answer to all of your web content needs. In fact, OpenAI - the company behind ChatGPT - also publishes a ‘classifier’ tool that can readily distinguish immediately between human and AI writing. Given that Google has always put an emphasis on the expertise of the writer of the content, it seems likely that it would be more likely to favour writing from a human.

“Ultimately, Google is unable to completely rule out AI content in the search results,” says Justin Aldridge, Technical Director at SEO specialists Artemis Marketing. “They use AI in their algorithms, so it would be hypocritical if they said that no one should use it at all for their own benefit. What it comes down to is the quality of the content and if it fits in with their guidelines. Experience, expertise and knowing who’s written the content is going to become very important.”

If you are using Mac, iPhone or iPad you can take advantage of AI writing for your marketing content as well. You should check out second brain AI which is like having your own ChatGPT installed on your device for easier and more convenient access.


It is important to remember that while ChatGPT is a limited tool for generating content directly, it can actually be used to make things much easier for human content creators. For example, it has clear uses as a powerful brainstorming tool for ideation in digital marketing. ChatGPT can help generate new ideas and approaches to content creation by prompting users with fresh perspectives and angles to consider.

So, as an example, you can ask ChatGPT to generate ideas based on a particular topic or keyword. The AI can quickly generate a list of potential ideas, which can then be further refined and developed by the marketing team. This can be particularly useful when brainstorming for campaigns, product launches, or other marketing initiatives.

Another way to use ChatGPT for ideation is by using it to explore new angles or perspectives on a topic. By asking the software to generate content from a different perspective, such as that of a different target audience, users can gain new insights and ideas that they may not have considered otherwise. For users on the go, utilizing the best ChatGPT app for iPhone can make this process even more convenient and accessible."

The content is unlikely to be usable in its full form - but getting an interesting draft from a perspective that you might not have considered can be extremely useful.

Ultimately, ChatGPT can be an extremely powerful tool and your business would be making a mistake to avoid it entirely. However, any of its output must be taken with a pinch of salt, and should be considered only as a great way to generate ideas and short-form content. Human involvement is still very necessary in checking and approving the overall marketing process. 

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