How Can You Make Remote Work More Efficient
ByAngeli Yuson
Angeli is the Founder and COO at Workast. Her team ensures our users have an exceptional customer experience with Workast and takes care of all user issues.

Angeli is the Founder and COO at Workast. Her team ensures our users have an exceptional customer experience with Workast and takes care of all user issues.
Since the COVID pandemic began a few years ago, many people have been working from home. The reason that people have been working from home is that it’s a lot safer to separate people so that they can’t transmit viruses. Staff members who are sick aren’t able to work and therefore it’s much more sensible to keep staff working from home, where they can’t get sick, and can’t take time off. It’s also worth noting that a lot of people are much more productive when they work from home.
Making remote work more efficient will improve your staff’s overall performance. This post will tell you how you can achieve greater remote work efficiency.
If your staff are working remotely, then it’s essential that you give them access to software that makes administrative tasks easier to complete. There are many task management software options available for remote teams. It’s highly likely that your remote staff will have a lot of admin-related work to do, so by giving them software that streamlines this sort of thing, they will be able to focus their efforts on more important things.
According to the software specialists from, profit and loss tracking software can help you to understand your bottom line and track your company’s weekly profits.
Giving staff access to this kind of software can make forecasting easier. There are many other types of software that you need to consider investing in, besides profit and loss tracking software.
If you want your staff to work hard at home, then you need to encourage them to set up dedicated workspaces. If your staff don’t have comfortable places to work, then they won’t be able to focus on their daily duties.
A lot of remote workers work from their sofas or even their beds, but this is a bad habit for your team members to get into. Instead, they should have a desk, chair, and a private place to work. If they cannot afford desks, then you should offer them to them.
In addition to providing your remote staff with desk equipment, you should also provide them with technology so that they can work from home safely. A lot of businesses allow staff to work from their own laptops, but this is a very bad idea. When your staff work from their own laptops, any viruses that they have on them could then cause your business’s data to fall into the hands of hackers.
Your staff need to have access to dedicated work devices, monitored remotely by your company’s IT department. You should always provide staff with technology. While providing staff with tech can be expensive, it will increase their productivity and reduce the chances of a data leak taking place.
If staff are working remotely, then document management software is absolutely essential. You can’t have staff handling documents without proper document management. Unfortunately, as staff are working remotely, their managers can’t physically monitor the way that they handle documents.
Because of this, they need to be given access to document management software. In addition to ensuring compliance, document management software will also make it easier for remote teams to sign documents and hand them around for collaborative purposes.
You will also need to invest in software that makes it possible for your team to communicate with each other. Communication tools make remote work a lot easier since staff don’t have to keep making telephone calls to each other. You should ideally invest in a communication platform that enables chat, voice calls, and video calls.
This kind of software gives your staff a few different ways to contact each other depending on the importance of the matter that they are discussing. It also makes it possible for you to check up on your staff and to ensure that they are working.
One of the hardest things for business owners whose staff are working remotely to achieve is organization. The best way to keep staff organized when they are working remotely is to hold meetings every morning. You should also have a calendar or spreadsheet dedicated to each individual staff member, where they can view their tasks for the day. If you do not have something like this available, then your staff won’t know what they are supposed to be doing. You should ensure that each team’s manager conducts these meetings and fills out these spreadsheets if you have more important things to do.
You need to hold regular check-ups with your staff. Most business owners find the easiest way to do this is to hold group video calls, rather than individual meetings. A group video call will give you an opportunity to talk to everybody collectively. If you identify any problems with specific staff members and you do need to hold meetings, then you can book it with them on their calendars or spreadsheet. Make sure that when you are holding check-ups, you fill your staff in on everything that’s going on internally in your company. Keeping staff plugged in can increase their commitment and motivation.
It’s a good idea to have informal conversations with your staff from time to time too. A lot of business owners are far too formal with their staff, which just hurts staff morale. By having informal conversations, your staff will feel more connected, which will in turn make them perform better, which will increase overall efficiency. Make sure that you aren’t too informal, however. If you cross the line and become too friendly with staff, then they might not take their jobs very seriously.
Finally, make sure to use performance tracking software, so that you can monitor your staff’s performance. You should avoid tracking the number of hours that they work, however. A lot of companies use time tracking software, but ultimately it’s the quality of your staff’s work that you need to monitor, not the time that it takes them to do it. If they complete their work early, then they should be able to finish early, in all truth.
If you have a team of remote workers working for you, then you need to ensure that they are working as efficiently as possible. A lack of efficiency can impact company profits and performance. Thankfully with this post’s guidance, achieving efficiency doesn’t need to be a challenge.