Boost Staff Productivity With These 5 Office Addition Ideas

Lucas Campbell avatar
on June 20#business-tips
Boost Staff Productivity With These 5 Office Addition Ideas

Office productivity is a very elusive concept. In fact, even though many employers and managers may not be aware of it, the fact remains that the overall office ambiance plays a vital role in the creation of that ideal atmosphere. One that is conducive to higher productivity levels overall. Let us take a quick look at just what we can do to make or remodel the office environment to enhance output for all the members of the team:

Siesta time!

As the Spaniards know only too well, a power nap in the middle of the day can revitalize and re-energize you like nothing else. As a matter of fact, an afternoon siesta can ensure that you wake up not only refreshed but also very bright and just simply brimming over with positive energy. However, snoozing off at the workstation would not only look like bad form, but it is also very harmful to the posture too. This is why it makes great sense to add a room for napping in your office. It will allow people to relax and lay down when things get a bit overwhelming.

After all, educational institutions do have common rooms and staff rooms for rest and relaxation between classes. Such rooms exist for both students and teachers alike. You can do the same thing at your workplace too. Even if you’re hosting a conference you can find spaces nearby that also have available rooms to go and rest.

Create opportunities for greater movement at the workplace 

Starring on the monitor screen can lead to a major mental block. Here, taking short walks can help you get over your routine-based monotony. However, for that to happen, you will need to create a workspace optimized for movement. It would be very difficult to take a walk when you end up running into other workstations or other people who have the same idea and are also trying to walk around to become inspired. It might be one of the very best ways to regain your focus. I.e. by walking around and thinking your problem out. For this purpose, you will have to vector in natural pathways for your office so that everyone would be able to walk around at ease without disturbing their fellow co-workers.  If done right, you might be able to increase not just the productivity of your office but also boost overall creativity levels too.  

Go for a kitchen revamp

You might also consider going for a complete kitchen remodel to include more space for snacks and coffee breaks. This way, your employees and teammates will be able to talk to each other in an informal setting and thereby get a chance to brainstorm and come up with ever-new ideas and game plans.

It is precisely these informal sessions that will give you the decisive competitive edge that you need in order to leapfrog over your competition. Such a kitchen space would also be an ideal way of cutting the ice and welcoming new members to the team. They can talk to their seniors and get an idea of the organization and how it can help them achieve their personal goals, even as they help the team achieve its collective goals. 

Use bright colors

Colors affect our psychology in many ways and they also help to increase both creativity and awareness. These two combined can lead to a surge of productivity all over the office environment. Bright and vibrant colors can help your team members to feel cheerful and upbeat when they come to work.  In fact, just looking at the walls will make them feel better in no time at all. Apart from that, solid colors mixed with bright ones can give the whole place a more pleasing ambiance.  

Increase light in your office 

The more natural light there is, the greater would be the productivity at your workplace. It is very simple really. Our biological clocks are designed in such a way that we become more productive during daylight hours. Conversely, dull and dim lights make us feel lethargic and sleepy. 


You can increase staff productivity by going for a kitchen remodel and making it an informal gathering place for snacks and team meets. Moreover, using bright colors and natural lighting would also help increase productivity a lot.  

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