6 Ways You Can Improve Your Relationship With Clients
ByAngeli Yuson
Angeli is the Founder and COO at Workast. Her team ensures our users have an exceptional customer experience with Workast and takes care of all user issues.

Angeli is the Founder and COO at Workast. Her team ensures our users have an exceptional customer experience with Workast and takes care of all user issues.
It is said that the customer is always right. And while this may not always be true, a successful business knows that it's in its best interest to keep its clients happy. After all, happy clients are more likely to return and refer others, which can lead to more business and growth.
So how can you make sure your clients are happy? Here are six ways!
With today's technology, there's no excuse for not staying in touch with your clients. Whether it's through weekly or monthly newsletters, email updates, or even social media, regular communication helps keep your clients informed about your business and helps them feel valued.
Keep them in the loop on the status of their project and let them know if there are any changes or delays. If you need something from them, don't be afraid to ask. The more you communicate, the better your relationship will be. Lots of companies do this through comprehensive video brochures that explain every aspect of their services and products. Utilizing these is an innovative way to engage clients, provide a visual understanding of your offerings, and leave a lasting impression.
With communication, comes being available for it. If your clients know they can reach you when they need to, they'll be more likely to do so. Make sure your contact information is up to date and easily accessible, and that you're quick to respond to messages. As seen at https://www.connect-communications.co.uk, opting for a virtual assistant or phone answering services can give you the break you need, without disrupting the flow of communication with your clients. You can also outsource some of this work, so you can focus on what's important - your clients.
Your clients are entrusting you with their business, so you must be responsive to their needs. This means being available when they need you and getting back to them on time. If you can't answer their questions right away, let them know when they can expect a response. Or if you're going to be out of the office, make sure you have someone available who can help in your absence.
On the other hand, responsive means being proactive as well. If you know your clients are going to need something, reach out to them beforehand and offer assistance. For example, if you're a web designer and you know a client is going to need some content for their site, reach out and offer to help write it or find someone who can.
If you want to improve your relationship with clients, you need to build trust. This means being honest and transparent in your dealings with them. If you make a mistake, own up to it and apologize. If there's something they should know, don't withhold information. Your clients need to be able to trust you if they're going to do business with you.
On the other hand, you also need to trust your clients. If they say they're going to do something, give them the benefit of the doubt. This doesn't mean you have to be a pushover, but it does mean having faith in them. After all, they chose to work with you for a reason.
Your clients are busy people, so you must respect their time. This means being punctual for meetings, not canceling at the last minute, and sticking to deadlines. If you know you're going to be late or need to reschedule, let them know as soon as possible. The sooner they know, the more likely they'll be to understand.
It also means not taking up too much of their time. If you have a meeting, make sure you're prepared and know what you want to discuss. And if you need more time than originally planned, don't be afraid to ask for it. The last thing you want is to waste your clients' time - or yours.
While it's important to be punctual and meet deadlines, there will be times when things come up. Your clients will understand if you need to reschedule a meeting or push back a deadline. The key is to be flexible and accommodating when these things happen. If you're inflexible, it'll only make your clients frustrated. They'll start to feel like you don't care about their needs or their time.
While it's important to be responsive and communicative, don't forget the personal touch! Sometimes a phone call or handwritten note can mean more than an email. Small gestures like this show that you care about your relationship with your clients and are willing to go that extra mile.
Saying thank you, remembering birthdays and anniversaries, and celebrating special occasions are all great ways to show your clients how much you appreciate them. You can also offer them discounts or VIP treatment as a way to show your appreciation. The price of incentives like these is worth the investment when it comes to keeping your clients happy.
Additionally, simply making an effort to get to know them on a personal level can go a long way. Ask about their family, their hobbies, and their interests. Get to know them as a person, not just a client.
If you want to improve your relationship with clients, you need to be open to feedback - both positive and negative. When you receive feedback, take it to heart and use it to make changes in your business. Your clients will appreciate that you're taking their suggestions seriously, and it'll show that you're invested in making your relationship with them better.
No one is perfect, so there's always room for improvement. Use feedback as an opportunity to grow and learn, and your clients will be more likely to stick with you.
However, you should also listen to their needs - what do they need from you? What can you do to make their lives easier? If you're not sure, ask them! They'll be more than happy to tell you what they need, and it'll show that you care about their opinion, needs, and feedback.
Maintaining a good relationship with your clients is essential for any business. It's important to be responsive, communicative, and accommodating. You should also respect their time and make an effort to get to know them on a personal level. Most importantly, listen to their feedback and use it to improve your business.
By following these tips, you'll be sure to keep your clients happy and build a lasting relationship with them.