15 Tips to Create the Ultimate Collaborative Workspace

Byon June 14#best-practices
15 Tips to Create the Ultimate Collaborative Workspace

Collaboration is the key to a functional and fulfilling workspace. Employees who feel connected and cooperate on building projects are more productive. They are also more likely to deliver a high standard of work. 

So, what goes into a collaborative workspace? What does that look like when you have many teams across numerous departments? And team members have very different personalities and work objectives? 

15 Tips to Create the Ultimate Collaborative Workspace 1

Creating a collaborative workspace is about encouraging free-flowing communication, creativity, and productivity. It’s also about equipping your workspace and employees with what they need to succeed. Here’s how to do that. 

1. Make your physical workspace comfortable 

Employees need to feel comfortable to enter a collaborative and productive mindset. Often, that comfort starts with a physical set-up. Make sure your teams have access to ergonomic office spaces. Ample lighting and an organized, inspiring place to work from are essential. The more comfortable everyone feels, the better they can focus and engage with one another. 

2. Host educational and creative workshops

Stimulating creativity and motivation to produce dynamic, fresh ideas starts with information sharing. Bring field experts and creative leaders into your workspace so that employees can become inspired to work and grow together. Workshops, webinars, and expert speakers can all stimulate your team. This will encourage them to share ideas and perspectives they may otherwise not have explored. 

3. Ask your employees what they need

If you’re not sure how to create the ultimate collaborative workspace, sometimes the best thing to do is go straight to the source. Ask your employees what they need directly. More often than not, they’ll have answers that management wouldn’t hav

e come to on their own. Employees' experience of working in an office environment is unique. Asking them what they need further promotes a sense of team-focused collaboration. 

15 Tips to Create the Ultimate Collaborative Workspace 2

4. Foster a culture of community 

If your employees feel disconnected from one another socially, it

’s challenging for them to collaborate on projects. Fostering a strong company culture and investing in community can ignite a sense of camaraderie between departments. This helps to create a foundation of trust within the workplace. Focus on inclusivity and engagement. Doing so will ensure that everyone feels part of the team, even if they are working remotely.

5. Provide the right tools and technology 

When it comes to collaboration, your employees need the right

tools to do their work properly. Make sure your teams are equipped with the right hardware for working together. Have laptops, computers, and other essential tech set up and ready to use. This allows employees to approach collaboration with simplicity and ease of access.

6. Encourage stimulating team-building activities

A collaborative workspace is built on trust and healthy relationships. Stimulating team-building activities like brainstorming sessions incorporate the five C's of teamwork.

These Cs are Communication, Camaraderie, Commitment, Confidence, and Coachability. This helps your employees relate to each other on a more cohesive professional level. In doing so, a more synergistic workplace emerges. 

7. Encourage relaxing team-building activities 

Team-building activities should be balanced. The workplace should create opportunities for professional collaboration. It must invite employees to relate to each other in a more relaxed setting. Team outings, celebrations, and shared lunchtime

sessions are all good options. These team-building activities help people form deeper relationships and promote collaboration. 

8. Use collaborative software programs 

Collaborative software programs like Workast help teams collaborate seamlessly. Location and role are not a hindrance, as everyone is included. Using a program like this, employees can share data, content, plans, and goals effectively. With everyone having easy access to this information, collaboration is simple and successful.  

9. Reward high performance 

High morale is important for a healthy, collaborative workplace. When a team performs well, reward their collaborative efforts. This can help create an environment that motivates people to

pursue a high standard of work and encourages them to want to work together. 

15 Tips to Create the Ultimate Collaborative Workspace 3

10. Choose team leaders wisely  

The ultimate collaboration energy can only be achieved when someone the rest of the team respects is leading the way. Choose team leaders wisely. This will ensure that the right roles, positions, and tasks can be delegated with the highest level of cooperation in mind. 

11. Hire a diverse workforce 

A diverse workforce is crucial for achieving a fully collaborative and sustainable workplace. By including people from diverse bac

kgrounds, teams can gain insights from more varied perspectives. These perspectives encourage people to think outside the box. Plus, they also promote a more open-minded environment. 

12. Track progress using clear KPIs 

One of the best ways to promote collaboration is to make productivity easy and accessible. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) can help. KPIs help teams track their progress and focus on common goals more clearly. Most collaboration and

communication software programs come with built-in progress-tracking technology. This enhances project clarity and conjoined workplace effort. 

13. Equip teams with the right resources 

To create a truly collaborative and exceptional workplace, you need to look beyond technology and office equipment. Investing in additional resources like meditation rooms, healthy food, and wellness programs is a good place to start. Especially when considering that companies with wellness programs enjoy a 67% increase in employee satisfaction. The happier employees are, the easier they find it to collaborate. 

14. Host knowledge-sharing sessions across departments  

Another powerful way to break down barriers between different departments and promote a culture of collaboration in the workplace is to encourage people to share their expertise. Knowledge-sharing sessions are educational and empowering. They play a powerful role in making all team members feel included. To promote inclusivity, you can host these events online and in person in spaces that accommodate the hybrid workforce. Employees will emerge from knowledge-sharing sessions feeling inspired by their colleagues. They’ll be ready to tackle upcoming projects with renewed energy and excitement. 

15. Promote a clear, shared vision and goals 

When a goal is clearly communicated, people may find it easier to achieve. Your company’s vision and overarching goals should be front and center of workplace productivity. This reminds teams of what they are working towards and what’s at stake. 

Vision and goal commonality promote relatability within the company. This helps teams put their differences aside to focus on making corporate magic happen. 

Final Thoughts

Collaboration and teamwork are essential elements for a successful work environment. The right tools, perspective, and company culture play a powerful role in how employees collaborate on projects. When collaboration is achieved, the business is propelled forward. 

With this comprehensive list of tips, you can empower your employees and the space they work in to become a hub of creativity and productivity that sets your business up to thrive. 

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